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Rheumatoid Arthritis

Recovery from Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hello! My name is Joseph Hackett and I was diagnosed with severe rheumatoid arthritis (RA) about 6 years ago. We are all told that RA is incurable. For the majority of people with RA, I would argue that this IS NOT THE CASE. Why do I say this? Since my diagnosis, I have made the progress below.

  • Gradual sedimentation rate drop from a high of 88 to normal levels (sedimentation rate refers to general level of inflammation)
  • Rheumatoid factor drop from 767 to close to normal levels (rheumatoid factor is a measure of the occurrence of a specific antibody often related to RA)
  • Joint damage REVERSAL shown on x-ray
  • Return to normal physical activities (walking, jogging, swimming, etc.)

I have had great personal success against this disease (and seen evidence in others as well). I have progressed from being on disability from work only 2 months after diagnosis 
to a normal, active life.
This must be impossible, right? Maybe a spontaneous remission? Keep reading and decide for yourself. I want to share what has worked for myself and others. If you have an open mind, you may find some simple,but challenging solutions to this horrible problem.

This site is here to provide the following things:

  • Background information about myself
  • The approach I have taken to treat my RA - sorry there is no "magic bullet"
  • Background that lends support to this approach
  • My personal timeline of blood test progress
  • My story 
  • Other health benefits I have experienced
  • Where to get more information and implementation assistance (at no charge)

DISCLAIMER: Information shared in this site is reported solely for educational purposes and is not to be considered medical advice.
Use common sense in taking any action you may take that affects your health (as I did). I'm relating my successful experience in dealing with a terrible disease in the hope that someone else will benefit. I have no financial interest in anything related to arthritis and make no money from this website. Best of luck!

Questions? Comments? Send me an email





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